I am having an issue with my home, what should I do?
First determine if this is an emergency, or non-emergency issue.
The following conditions are considered emergency response issues by our subcontractor/trade partners:
*Total loss of electricity
*Total loss of water
*Plumbing leak that requires the water supply to be shut off to the home
*Gas leak – Contact PG & E immediately!
*Total loss of air conditioning when the outside temperature is above 100F
*Total loss of heat when the outside temperature is below 50F
*Fire Sprinklers
If you are experiencing one of the above emergencies, please contact the appropriate trade partners or public utility companies directly. Click here for emergency contact information.
If your home issue, is a non-emergency, please determine whether it is an item covered under your Gary McDonald Homes Limited Warranty – SB 800 given to you at the time of contract in your Homeowner’s Manual.
How do I determine if my homeowner issue is an item covered by Gary McDonald Homes under my Limited Warranty?
Please refer to your Homeowner Manual and review the following items given to you at time of contract.
* Limited Warranty
* SB 800 Pamphlet
* The Home Book
Now that I’ve reviewed the above items and believe I have a warrantable service item, how do I have it addressed/repaired?
Submit your item(s) online on our Customer Service Request form located under our Homeowner tab. Once we receive your form, we will contact you to send out a GMH associate to inspect your item. After it’s been determined that you have a warrantable service item, we will forward your work order to the appropriate subcontractor whom will contact you directly to schedule your service appointment.
If I can’t be available for my service appointment, can I have someone else let the subcontractor into my home to perform the work?
No. We require at least one homeowner to be present at all service appointments and to sign off on the work that has been completed. The failure to do so will result in an assumed acceptance and homeowner relinquishes the right to request additional warranty work on that defect. (See pages 6-7, Section I of your Limited Warranty.)
I’ve done improvements to my home since the close of escrow, can I submit a GMH Customer Service Request form for an issue with any of these?
No. Any work or improvements done to your home outside of your contract and after your close of escrow, are not covered by your Limited Warranty with GMH. Please contact the vendor/subcontractor who provided this work for you directly. Please note that the warranty on your home for any work or improvements done after the close of escrow, and not through the Limited Warranty process, becomes null and void for the subcontractor in issue. For example, if you decide to change your garage doors, your warranty becomes null and void with our garage door subcontractor. Another example, if you do not contact us for a repair and contact a subcontractor, not associated with GMH, on your own to repair an item in your home, this too would nullify your warranty with GMH.
I have a problem with an appliance that was purchased with my home. What do I do?
All installed appliances with your GMH home have a warranty period direct from the appliance manufacturer. There is no need to submit an online Customer Service Request form, but rather you should contact the applicable appliance manufacturer directly.
I live in a gated subdivision and I would like to have another gate remote. Can I get one from GMH?
You will need to call the management company that manages your particular development. They can sell you additional remotes.